
Discovering Fano

Staying at Agriturismo Valle del Metauro is so pleasant that it happens to forget about the wonders that surround it. So if we were to stumble on a day a little gloomy, a leap into history is the thing that it takes!!!!

We go to the discovery of Fano and the medieval feuds and the history that surrounds it, coming to the present day… starting from the ancient Romans

Fano is a wonderful town of about 60000 inhabitants located in the Marche Province of Pesaro and Urbino.

Known for its < > carnival and for the < > Malley (a beverage based on coffee and liquor), in summer opens the Doors to tourists from all over the world.
Fano presenta importanti momumenti dell’ Antica Roma e dalla città nasce la via Flaminia, la vecchia strada che collegava a Roma.

To be always up to date on this city, we suggest some links of interest:

Fano tv : Small local TV, managed by a former presenter of Canale 5, provide almost immediately every fact of local crono;

Fano football: A sports company born in 1906, mobilized in Serie D;

Fano meteo: It offers in addition to the weather forecast a direct on the city thanks to the webcams always in operation;

What to see in FANO in the day

Arch of Augustus – Main gate of the Roman Colonia Julia Fanestris.

Palace of Podestà – in Piazza XX Settembre. Example of Romanesque-Gothic style (sec. XIV). Now seat of the theatre of Fortune

Museum of the Via Flaminia – In Via Arco d ‘ Augusto, is a central pole of the articulated archaeological system of Fano-romana /p>

Palazzo Bracci Pagani – Multipurpose and modern structure for artistic and scientific purposes in the historical centre

Of course, if you have some free time, a walk along the Lido and Saxonia, you can enjoy an excellent artisan gelato (almost all the ice cream parlours in the area prepare their homemade ice cream) and freshen up in the beautiful waters of the sea Adriatic.

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If you stay in the farmhouseValle del Metauro , Reaching these places is very easy. Just take the nearby expressway and in a maximum of 10 minutes you will arrive at your destination. Also from the Agriturismo Valle del Metauro You can reach Fano by local bus lines with departures every 30 minutes.

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